Thursday, January 29, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker Week 13 || Fit Pregnancy

January 19th, 2015
Week 13

Ok before we get to the weekly update I promised people a glimpse into my first hormonla breakdown of this pregnancy.  I was really good my first two pregnancies, if I cried it was probably over food ;)  So this one took me by surprise and apparently by the look on the pharmacy ladies face at Wal Greens, I caught her off gaurd too!! HA  I can laugh now and feel free to laugh at my expense but I could NOT stop sobbing the day this took place. 

So I was low on prenatal vitamins and I needed to run to the store so I thought I will stop by WalGreens and grab a bottle.  My Dr. called in a prescription for me so I went to pick it up.  When I pulled up and gave my info the lady confirmed that I was picking up prenatals to which I agreed and she scanned them and looked at me and said that will $94 ... NINETY FOUR DOLLARS.  Yes you read that right.  I was like, Wait...what??  She repeated herself as if what she just said was completely justified.  We have pretty good insurance so I asked to make sure she had my insurance on file, to which she said yes and they are saving you a lot of money they are normally $170!!!!  WHAT!!!!  Literally the tears were forming in my eyes, really nothing to cry over, but I could not stop them.  So I thought, its like a 9 month supply...surely.  I asked her how many day supply is that, she looked at me straight faced and said THIRTY DAYS.   30 days?? Like 3-0 ... she said yes.  Que the flood gates.  Like uncontrollable tears as I said, does that sounds as dumb to you as it does to me???  She said, soooo do you not want them? By that point I was uncontrollably crying.  I was even telling myself to just stop crying, it was nothing to cry so hard over but I just couldn't stop.  

So I drove home to tell John how hormonal I was and how crazy the pharmacy lady was and her SUPER HUMAN prenatal vitamins.  As I started the story John looks at me and said, so you didn't get any prental vitamins???  que the angry hormonal flood gates once again!!!  I laid in bed for atleast an hour crying my eyes out.  After my hour cry session I felt completely normal again and in control of my emotions ;)

**I am happy to report I was able to go back to Wal Greens today and successfully got prenatal vitamins and they were only $13!  

How far along – 13 Weeks

Baby size of: Jalepeno

Favorite moment this week- Baby bump is making its appearance

Miss Anything: Energy ;)

Movement:  Nada

Food cravings-  Sour, Sour, Sour!!  Especially sour candy

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Car sickness got me good this week!

Have you started to show yet-  Starting!! 

Gender- 5 more weeks until we find out!!

Belly Button in or out- In

Other Notes:  Car Sickness + Pregnancy is seriously the WORST! 
Exercise:  Have been desperately lacking in the energy department but I have been working out trying to gain energy.  Light cardio, upper body, and weights! 

Sleep:  I want to nap every afternoon, rarely possible but I have snuck them in on Johns days off and when my MIL is around.  I am not a good napper but it feels so good when I lay down!  Around 9pm I hit a wall and just want nothing more than my bed. 

Looking forward to: comes in the 2nd trimester ... RIGHT!?

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Popular Clean Eating Snacks || Clean Eating

Popular Clean Eating Snacks in this house are still "new" for us.  We began this journey 2 years ago and a journey it has been.  I am a notorius snacker so it was hard for me to break those habits.  Especially struggling with low blood sugar for so long and always compensating with candy for sugar. 

The biggest change I see is with my kids, what they ask for, how they act, and their energy when we are eating clean.  I definitely don't deprive my kds as some would say ... if we are out, or a birthday party, or with the grandparents I don't say no.  As far as what I have available in the house, I have to limit it for my family.  

So we listed some of our favorites out.  Clean eating doesn't have to be boring either.  We still bake, just much less ingredients and only natural ones!! It can be done, I promise!! 

Enjoy!!  You can follow along our journey or search for more recipes on my FB here.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker Week 10 || Fit Pregnancy

Week 10  December 29th, 2014

I am a little bummed I don't have my chalk board yet to track my weeks and progress but it is on my goal list for this week.  With Christmas, parties, New Years, family, and sickness ... it is safe to say not a whole lot got done recently.  I haven't really started "showing" yet BUT this morning I felt like maybe I am starting to a little.  My nutrition has been so off lately so I am feeling a mix of baby and just lack there of food ;)  I did get a good workout in today too so I was feeling extra good!  

How far along –  Week 10

Baby size of: Tart Kumquat (what the heck is that??) Looks like an orange

Favorite moment this week-  Family arriving and telling my closest girlfriends and lunch with a friend I haven't seen in over 2 years (with no sickness either)

Miss Anything: Real food.  Like solid food.  My appetite and my non aversion self to EVERYTHING

Movement: No

Food cravings-  Soup ... this is getting ridiculous  Also an oreo milkshake, I attempted a healthy one and gagged the whole time. FAIL

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Everything ... waaahhh Almost had to leave a cart of food at the grocery store when I saw the raw meat aisle.  Which I needed meat but couldn't do it.  I can eat food if its cooked for me but cooking it has been a fail this week ... makes me so sick even thinking about it let alone seeing it.

Have you started to show yet-  See pic above, I could just be bloated but we can also go with baby bump starting!!

Gender-   Wish I knew

Belly Button in or out- In

Other Notes: Next Dr. Appt is end of Jan.  This part of pregnancy is so weird, not showing but feeling miserable. 

Exercise:  We have had a lot going on and feeling miserable in between hasn't left me much room BUT I have managed to get in 2 this week I believe and todays felt gooooood!!!

Sleep:  I made it through the night multiple times this week...yay

Looking forward to: An appetite ;)  We have a VERY busy month so I feel like it will fly by I am excited to announce to the world soon and seeing friends we haven't seen in a few years and more family visiting!!  

Other random facts: The baby can smell, it is using its hand to feel its face and mouth, and it can now make a fist.   Best yet, its vital organs have began to function! 
We tried the ring on a string old wives tale with my MIL and it said circle was boy and back and forth was a girl ... these results were GIRL.  That is 2 wives tales for a GIRL!

Baby Bump Tracker week 9 || Fit Pregnancy

Week 9  December 22nd, 2014

As promised I would share the card we made, I couldn't get the whole card to upload but the left side just said Happy Holidays From The Thills, the pictures were the important part.  We had each family open it as if it were a gift and we skyped with them so we could see their reactions!  It was so great!!!  We saw tears, laughter, congrats, and complete shock!!  As hard as it was keeping it in, the reactions we got from this card were WELL worth the wait. 

Side note- When we did this little photo session, the boys had no idea but they participated like champs and didn't ask any questions ;) 

How far along –9 weeks

Baby size of: Wild Strawberry

Favorite moment this week- Telling our parents and brothers/sisters on Christmas!! 

Miss Anything: My normal healthy foods!  My appetite!  My non food aversion self.

Movement: None

Food cravings- Soup ... surprise surprise

Anything making you queasy or sick- Food! Ha for real. Still a sicky

Have you started to show yet-  At the end of everyday I do ;) You can see a tiny bit of roundness in tighter fitting shirts

Gender-  We know nothing

Belly Button in or out- In

Other Notes: We were so excited to finally break the news to our family AND the boys, they found out on Christmas Eve with our ultrasound. CUTEST thing ever, Braxton had me in tears he was so excited!!

Exercise:  Very hit or miss, missing my energy to power through a workout but doing what I can when I can. 

Sleep:  Minimal with bathroom trips but when I do sleep its good

Looking forward to: Feeling normal again, eating real healthy foods, having an appetite, and being active!! 

Other Random Facts: The babies Tail dissapeared and is now forming legs! 

Baby Bump Tracker week 8 || Fit Pregnancy

Week 8  Dec. 15th, 2014

I have asked Santa for a Chalkboard for Christmas to track my weeks so until then you have to deal with my random pictures I have took to keep track!! This one is actually the beginning of a Pinterest project!! 

How far along – 8 Weeks

Baby size of: Raspberry

Favorite moment this week-  Dr. Appt!!!!   We got rescheduled twice, talk about making me crazy AND they didn't have any ultrasounds open so it was more of a meet and greet AND my Dr. got called into surgery so we met with a midwife!   However they told me very positive notes about having a VBac so overall I was pleased!!

Miss Anything: Normal food, healthy food, proper nutrition ... HA!

Movement: No

Food cravings-  Soup, Soup, and Soup!  It is the only thing I can even think about eating.  I did eat a few normal meals this week BUT only bc I didn't cook it ;) 

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Waking up, moving, thinking, anything I smell.  For real, no actual getting sick and I am not sure what is worse...being so sick without being able to get sick or actually throwing up.  Since this has been 2 weeks of this I am convinced this is worse (my biased opinion) 

Have you started to show yet-  No

Gender- Nothing yet and no other wives tales tried yet! 

Belly Button in or out-  In

Other Notes:  We have an ultrasound appt. next week!!!  Both boys will be with us so we will be telling them then and hopefully meeting our OB!

Exercise:  eehhh...I got Pump in one day and have went on a 3 and 5 mile walk other than that it has legit been a struggle to do anything feeling so sick.  I can push through the exhaustion but not this sickness.

Sleep:  Still up atleast one time each night ... my already small bladder is being tested!

Looking forward to: Ultrasound appt and telling the boys AND I mailed out our cards to immediate family!!! Eeeekkkk!!!!

Interesting Fact from - If you could see your baby now, you'd be able to make out her eyelids, the tip of her nose, and her upper lip. She's approximately three-quarters of an inch long from top to bottom, and her brain, spinal cord, heart, kidneys, liver, and stomach have begun to take shape. The aortic and pulmonary valves are distinctly present in the heart, which has now divided into right and left chambers and gallops at twice your rate (about 150 times a minute). She has distinct, slightly webbed fingers and toes and see-through skin.

Baby Bump Tracker Week 12 || Fit Pregnancy

Jan 12th, 2015  Week 12

How far along –  12 Weeks

Baby size of:  Tangerine

Favorite moment this week-  We heard the heart beat for the second time and we were able to tell our best friends in person!!

Miss Anything: Full night sleep on my stomach

Movement:  I can't feel it but at our appt. we could hear the movement on the doppler. <3

Food cravings-  Salty foods ... salt on foods haha

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Smells such as perfumes, not out of the ordinary for me but seems to be a little more lately than usual.

Have you started to show yet-  I would say I officially started showing this week.

Gender-  Dieing to know

Belly Button in or out-  In 

Other Notes:  My bathroom trips have lessened and my exhaustion has went through the roof

Exercise:  We went hiking this week and it felt so good! Ready to get back into a normal routine, hoping that comes with the 2nd trimester next week!

Sleep:  eehh...between bathroom trips, sick kids, and not being able to sleep on my stomach or back, lets just say there isn't much sleep happening!

Looking forward to:  We have more visitors on the way which will only pass the time until my parents arrive and our next ultrasound!!

Baby Bump Tracker week 7 || Fit Pregnancy

Week 7   Dec. 8th, 2014

How far along - 7 Weeks

Baby size of:  Blueberry

Favorite moment this week- Finding a recommended OB for VBac and Making my Dr. Appt for next week

Miss Anything:  Feeling NORMAL and energy!

Movement:  No

Food cravings- Blah, soup, broth, did I mention soup??  Spicy soup is even better.  

Anything making you queasy or sick- What doesn't?? Wow, I am not used to this with my first two.  Taste, smell, thought of food makes me sick right now. 

Have you started to show yet- No...aside from when I am bloated 

Gender- Chinese calendar says GIRL.  One can hope right ;)

Belly Button in or out-  In

Other Notes:  Not telling people and not mentioning anything in front of the kids is ssssooooo hard!

Exercise:  Cardio was family walks and bike rides this week due to some cramping but I was able to get Pump in 3 times this week!!  Hard considering my SERIOUS lack of energy but felt good. 

Sleep:  Why do I not remember waking up everynight this early on to use the bathroom??? I am shocked but I haven't slept through the night once this week.

Looking forward to:  Dr. Appt next week and getting our Christmas cards in the mail to send to family!! 

Interesting facts from By the end of this week, the embryo will more than double its length, growing from approximately 4 to 5 millimeters to 11 to 13 millimeters. It is now about the size of a raspberry. The head is disproportionately larger than the rest of the body, and dark spots mark where the eyes and nostrils will be. The forebrain has divided into the two parts that make up the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, where as many as 100 nerve cells are created each minute.

Baby Bump Tracker week 6 || Fit Pregnancy

What a whirlwind to share!  Baby number 3 was a long time waiting but the end of November I finally had a missed visit from good ole Auntie F.  After several pregnancy tests, YES I went over board and took SEVERAL.  For almost a week ALL negative.  How could this be!?!?  For those who know me know that all those negatives were quite the cruel punishment ;)

Still, confident that I was infact pregnant despite the negatives I packed up the boys and we left for Iowa.  My first test I took in Iowa after two days of waiting very impatiently I GOT A POSITIVE!!!! Very faint and my husband was hunting in South Dakota.  Also if you know me ... patience is something I swear I was born without ;)

Being around all of our family was so hard.  I wanted to shout it from the rooftops BUT with our first two I told my parents and sisters right away and this being my last, I wanted to do it differently!  I really wanted to tell John in a special way BUT again I am super impatient and staying with family made it hard for me to be creative so I made him an ECard type of thing and shared it with him in private.  (see below)  I wanted it to be a surprise and special.  Just so happens I will be almost 10 weeks on Christmas so we made a SUPER cute Christmas card for everyone to open on Christmas.  We will see their reactions via skype!  (thank God for technology)  I will share the card with the you all as soon as I feel we are in the clear to share.  It really is pretty cute!!

I researched some really cute ways to track and share this pregnancy with everyone for a few reasons.

1.  I was TERRIBLE at documenting my first two, my first we didn't have amazing smart phones with great cameras and my 2nd ... seriously I barely remember it at all because I was chasing a 1 year old around.

2.  I was SO unhealthy with my first two, I ate WHATEVER I wanted when I wanted.  Didn't work out ... EVER.   Now due to serious health issues when both my babies were young made drastic changes in my lifestyle.  I am now a health & fitness coach, I work out 4-5 times a week, we eat clean and I am SO THRILLED to have a healthy active pregnancy.

3.  We don't live near family so I want to be able to share all milestones with them.

4.  This will be my last pregnancy and I want to remember it in detail.

So I hope for a few things with this tracker, to inspire others to be healthy and active during pregnancy, lord knows I needed that my first two AND that I can keep everyone in the loop!!
So here it goes starting with week 6!

Dec. 1, 2014
How far along - 6 weeks

Baby size of: Sweet Pea

Favorite moment this week- The news sinking in that this is happening

Miss Anything: Caffeine, Coffee, Java, Energy ;)  You get the drift!

Movement: Aside from cramps ... nope

Food cravings- Nothing specific at this point

Anything making you queasy or sick- I had an upset stomach all this week and last, not queasy but upset stomach and very crampy, no matter what I did ... yuck. 

Have you started to show yet-  NO

Gender- Impatiently don't know yet

Belly Button in or out- In

Other Notes: Hiding this from family is SO HARD. 

Exercise: Cardio was a little exhausting doing it with the heat on in Iowa but I managed

Sleep: Hit or miss, could be bc I am not in my bed, but weird sensations in my arm and restlesness kept me up a few nights while others I slept like a baby. 

Looking forward to: ENERGY and First OB appt.  

Friday, January 2, 2015

Baked Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins || Clean Eating

My house LOVES breakfast!!  Like we take it seriously ;)   It is easy to derail a day at breakfast too but it can also set the tone for the rest of your day.  I found it VERY critical to my results and energy to eat breakfast and a well balanced one.  My kids like it all but they favor sweet breakfast and sometimes they like quick and easy.  (they are like their Momma and they want to eat as soon as they wake up)  So they have become quite fond of cereal.  We try not to buy it often, especially since we made some big health changes.  However I don't deprive them completely.

Although while trying to find happy mediums I stumbled across baking with oatmeal.  I just eat oatmeal with stevia but my kids are not fans.  We love bananas, we love oatmeal, we love sweet so this was a perfect combo!!

You can check out more recipes on my Facebook Page!!

My kids LOVE these & they can choose whatever toppings/flavors they want. You can store in the freezer, take one out the night before to thaw in the fridge, microwave for about a minute in the morning and stir in a little milk.

Makes 12 servings

1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cups applesauce, unsweetened
1 banana, mashed
1/4 cup honey
2 1/2 cups, Old Fashioned rolled oats
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups milk
Optional toppings: blueberries, raisins, walnuts, chocolate chips, pomegranate seeds.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix eggs, vanilla, applesauce, banana and honey together in a bowl.
Add in oats, cinnamon, baking powder, salt and mix well with wet ingredients.
Finally pour in milk and combine.
Line a 12 cup muffin tin with paper liners.
Divide mixture evenly into muffin tin cups. I used a 1/4 measuring cup, measure just a tad under 1/4 cup to make 12 servings.
Add the toppings.

Bake 30 minutes until a toothpick in center comes out clean.
Cool and enjoy or freeze them in gallon freezer bags.