Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker week 9 || Fit Pregnancy

Week 9  December 22nd, 2014

As promised I would share the card we made, I couldn't get the whole card to upload but the left side just said Happy Holidays From The Thills, the pictures were the important part.  We had each family open it as if it were a gift and we skyped with them so we could see their reactions!  It was so great!!!  We saw tears, laughter, congrats, and complete shock!!  As hard as it was keeping it in, the reactions we got from this card were WELL worth the wait. 

Side note- When we did this little photo session, the boys had no idea but they participated like champs and didn't ask any questions ;) 

How far along –9 weeks

Baby size of: Wild Strawberry

Favorite moment this week- Telling our parents and brothers/sisters on Christmas!! 

Miss Anything: My normal healthy foods!  My appetite!  My non food aversion self.

Movement: None

Food cravings- Soup ... surprise surprise

Anything making you queasy or sick- Food! Ha for real. Still a sicky

Have you started to show yet-  At the end of everyday I do ;) You can see a tiny bit of roundness in tighter fitting shirts

Gender-  We know nothing

Belly Button in or out- In

Other Notes: We were so excited to finally break the news to our family AND the boys, they found out on Christmas Eve with our ultrasound. CUTEST thing ever, Braxton had me in tears he was so excited!!

Exercise:  Very hit or miss, missing my energy to power through a workout but doing what I can when I can. 

Sleep:  Minimal with bathroom trips but when I do sleep its good

Looking forward to: Feeling normal again, eating real healthy foods, having an appetite, and being active!! 

Other Random Facts: The babies Tail dissapeared and is now forming legs! 

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