Thursday, January 22, 2015

Popular Clean Eating Snacks || Clean Eating

Popular Clean Eating Snacks in this house are still "new" for us.  We began this journey 2 years ago and a journey it has been.  I am a notorius snacker so it was hard for me to break those habits.  Especially struggling with low blood sugar for so long and always compensating with candy for sugar. 

The biggest change I see is with my kids, what they ask for, how they act, and their energy when we are eating clean.  I definitely don't deprive my kds as some would say ... if we are out, or a birthday party, or with the grandparents I don't say no.  As far as what I have available in the house, I have to limit it for my family.  

So we listed some of our favorites out.  Clean eating doesn't have to be boring either.  We still bake, just much less ingredients and only natural ones!! It can be done, I promise!! 

Enjoy!!  You can follow along our journey or search for more recipes on my FB here.

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