Sunday, April 12, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker Week 24 || Fit Pregnancy

Week 24
April 6th, 2014

Vacation prep has kept me so busy.  Along with sick household.  My last two weeks have been full of random and chaotic days.  I am so ready for vaca but at the same time so not ready ;)  Why oh why do I procrastinate so much!?   We are about to head to Cancun, my 2nd all expense paid trip I have earned from BB.  Last year it fell on my birthday and this year it is great timing for a baby moon.  When we return it will be crunch baby time, Iowa time, and BAM baby time!!!!  Eeeekk seriously where has the time gone?  I have been pretty emotional this week thinking how fast this time has passed and how little I have done or ready.  So crazy.  Anyone want to come be my fairy god mother and bippity boppity boo ... idk, clothes, crib, car seat, stroller, diapers, and everything else I don't have!?!?  Anyone?? I will share baby snuggles upon her arrival!! 
So feel free to whip me in shape with gentle reminders that I need to NOT procrastinate any longer.
How far along –  24 weeks

Baby size of:  Eggplant

Favorite moment this week-  Vacation planning/packing

Miss Anything:  Uninterrupted sleep without cramps or needing to go to the bathroom ;)

Movement:  Lots, I think she is preparing herself for the chaos she hears on a daily basis bc her movement is WILD. 

Food cravings-  Watermelon!!!  Ok, Ok and cool whip ;) 

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Just perfumes 

Have you started to show yet-  yep, definitely rocking the baby bump

Gender-  Girl

Belly Button in or out-  Out

Other Notes:  Had my first experience with vericose veins...unfortunately dr. says they are here to stick around until baby comes =/  Not only uncomfortable but they look weird too.  

Exercise:  Has been very random this week but I have kept active lots of squats, lunges, walking, upper body...random but done!! 

Sleep:  Much needed but lots of interruptions

Looking forward to:  Vericose veins going away, VACATION, and ultrasound when we get home!! 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker Week 22 || Fit Pregnancy

Week 22
March 23rd, 2015

How far along – 22 Weeks

Baby size of:  Ear of Corn

Favorite moment this week- Sickness (flu) leaving my house! My boys made my birthday pretty special this week too.  Plus hubby surprised me with a prenatal massage <3 

Miss Anything:  Sleep, just due to sickness from the past 2 weeks

Movement:  Like nothing I ever experienced.  This little gal is all over the place literally.  I feel like she is kicking, punching, flipping, and twisting nad I love it!

Food cravings-  Okra ... aka salty!! 

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Smells from perfumes have gotten me bad lately.

Have you started to show yet-  We are full on showing, all week people were saying to me "I can finally see the bump" or "I wasn't sure if it was you, until I saw the belly"  I think that means it is safe to say we are showing ;)

Gender-  Girl

Belly Button in or out-  In

Other Notes:  We heard the heartbeat this week, 147.  My boys were always 145-160's but usually in the higher range.

Exercise:  Walking, squatting, lunges, and Les Mills Pump.

Sleep:  Hit or miss.  There has been a lot of sickness last couple weeks that getting up 2-3 times in a night was norm.  I think they were all just prepping me for the babies arrival!

Looking forward to:  We have a vacation/babymoon coming up!! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker Week 21 || Fit Pregnancy

March 20th, 2015
Week 21 

Life has been a whirlwind yet again, I know I missed week 20, how do I miss my half way point!?!?  We had another round of visitors and we took of to SanDiego for the last big hoora for Spring Break.  Needless to say time got away from me.  I am actually almost done with week 21 too, whoops!

How far along –  21 Weeks

Baby size of:   Carrot

Favorite moment this week-  Braxton feeling his first official kick from his sister 

Miss Anything:  Apparently a comfortable sleeping positiong =/ 

Movement:  Lots and lots and lots ... so fun!!!  

Food cravings-  Nothing that has been overwhelming but I am loving the sound of Jimmy Johns ;)  Especially after 6 hr drive in the car only to realize there is NO Jimmy Johns in SanDiego...REALLY!?!? 

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Long car rides ;) Strong perfume

Have you started to show yet-  Bump is definitely showing. 

Gender-  Girl 

Belly Button in or out-  In

Other Notes:   Halfway glucose test is happening sometime soon (yuck)

Exercise:  A lot of walking in San Diego, resumed my regular workouts the last 3 days!  Countdown to Cancun is ON.

Sleep:  Ugh, I keep waking up very uncomfortable on my back.  

Looking forward to:   They said coming up either my next appt or the next I would get another ultrasound bc at the gender one they couldn't get a good view of all 4 chambers of the heart, I am ready to see my baby again!!! 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker Week 19 || Fit Pregnancy

March 1, 2015 
Week 19

This week has flown by per usual ;)  All our family and friends have left (for 5 more das anyways) so we have tried catching up on the house/yard stuff and relaxing!!  I can NOT believe I am almost half way there.  So surreal.  

Everyone keeps asking us if we have picked a name and until today it had been discussed for all of MAYBE two minutes.  Today on the way to church we discussed potentials and suprisingly we both agree on a couple but have yet to set one in stone.  Although I think there is a top contender ;) 

We had an amazing service today at church that was about our faith being absolute and our prayers.  John and I both prayed Psalms 37:4 from the moment we started trying for baby #3, so while I was shocked when the Ultrasound tech said girl in my heart I had such peace bc it had been in my prayers for 9 months or more!!  Today was just a reminder of all the little things we think to be insignificant God knows the desire of our hearts!! 

How far along – 19 Weeks

Baby size of: Zucchini 

Favorite moment this week- Finally having the chance to discuss names <3

Miss Anything: Sleeping on my belly without waking up super uncomfy

Movement:  More and More as each day passes

Food cravings-  Everytime I see or hear pizza I think how ridiculously good it sounds but have yet to give in since I feel like we ate it a fair amount of times with guests here.  Aside from that MUSHROOMS!!!!  I saw a pinterest recipe and had to have them and they were EXACTLY what I wanted!!

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Still just random bursts of sickness and someones strong perfume last week at church made me have to walk out but that isn't abnormal for me ;)

Have you started to show yet-  Yes, however when I am laying back in a chair it just looks like a blob, HA.  I am going to Cancun soon so I am hoping my "baby belly" forms more so before then bc I plan to layout and I have to put on a bikini ... eeeeekkk

Gender- GIRL!!!!!  Still feels so crazy to say it out loud!!

Belly Button in or out-  In

Other Notes:  John felt the baby move the other night for the first time!!!  This go around I am gaining and filling out all over, where with the boys I was all belly.

Exercise:  Finally back at it after the last week of guests.  Pump, 21 Day Fix, and various HIIT (modified)

Sleep:  I have been very tired recently and looking forward to no actual alarm for spring break, although the boys now wake up by 7-730 on their own.

Looking forward to:  HHmmm....deciding on a name, registering for my baby shower, and continuing to get vacation ready!  Momma is ready for a baby moon!!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Baby Bump Week 18 || Fit Pregnancy

Feb. 23rd, 2015 
Week 18 

What an exciting and overwhelming week, all in good ways.  My parents came in to town and my in laws are here too, then our closest friends flew in to house hunt for their upcoming move, we had our big ultrasound appt. AND my baby turned 6 today!!   I really feel so blessed that everyone was here to experience this week with us and share in our joy. 

I know most have seen our big Gender Reveal but I will share the picture here too bc well I am pretty excited!!  I have been a boy Mom for 6 years and didn't think we would have more babies and especially didn't think we would have a GIRL!!!!  We prayed over this baby, this pregnancy, and stuck with Psalms 37:4 <3  God certainly blessed us!! 

How far along – 18 Weeks

Baby size of:  Sweet Potato

Favorite moment this week-  Where do I start!?  The ultrasound revealed we were having a girl, I felt the baby kick on the outside of my stomach, and my baby turned 6 (not so sure about this whole him growing up thing) ;)

Miss Anything:  I don't think so

Movement:  I have felt more and more movement but finally on the outside of my stomach!!

Food cravings-  Soup and Salad has sounded so good to me!!

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Still nothing in particular, just random

Have you started to show yet-  Yes!

Gender-  GIRL!!!!!!!!

Belly Button in or out- In

Other Notes:  Aside from my excitement ;)

Exercise:  Very hit or miss due to such a busy week but still been so active

Sleep:  Out like a light when I hit the bed which is not normal for me

Looking forward to:  Choosing a baby name and shopping!!

Baby Bump Tracker Week 17 || Fit Pregnancy

Week 17 

I am of course behind again but in my defense we have a full house and finding time to sit down and catch up has been hard!  Week 18 is already in the works, I just need the picture! 

How far along –  17 Weeks

Baby size of:  Pomegranate

Favorite moment this week-  I felt the baby move more and more (only from the inside)

Miss Anything:  Energy but its still much better than it has been.

Movement:  Internally ... yes!

Food cravings-  Pizza has sounded good to me just about everyday, I only ate it once ;)

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Nothing in particular but I have been pretty sick to my stomach randomly

Have you started to show yet-  I am definitely showing

Gender-  Find out in 3 days!

Belly Button in or out-  In

Other Notes: Nothing new to note except I am behind as usual ;)

Exercise:  5 days this week ... YAY

Sleep:  Feeling extra tired but sleeping well

Looking forward to:  Gender Reveal

Monday, February 16, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker Week 16 || Fit Pregnancy

February 9th, 2015
16 Weeks

This week was a crazy busy and fast week!!  The boys had a lot going on for school and it was Valentines Day <3   This has probably been my best week of this pregnancy yet as far as energy, workouts, least amount of sickness, etc.   

We had a great Valentines Day at home just like usual we make a sweet treat of chocolate covered strawberries and John grills some amazing steaks and we keep it super low key.  He definitely surprised me this year with 1 long stem rose (think the Bachelor) and gave me Alan Jackson concert tickets.  It was really quite adorable.   

NOW to the good stuff.  Time to take a poll on if Baby #3 is a BOY or a GIRL.  I am going to list out the differences of this pregnancy vs my other two and let you be the judge.  Our appt. is quickly approaching and I can't wait to hear your vote!

1. With BOTH boys I found out ASAP (4 weeks)  With this baby I didn't find out until almost 6 wks
(b/c little to no symptoms)

2.  With the boys I was exhausted in my first tri mester SAME with this one

3.  I never experienced sickness with either boys With this baby I was so sick for pushing 4 weeks
(like couldn't barely move off the couch sick)

3.  I had NO glowing effect of pregnancy with the boys, this pregnancy I hear it once a day
(I don't feel like I am but everyone keeps saying it)

4.  I carried low with both boys, with this baby I have 3 people tell me I am carrying high

5.  My boys heart rates were low, this baby it is higher

6.  WIVES TALES:  With Braxton it said girl but was a boy, with Tatum it said boy, this baby it says GIRL. 

7.  WIVES TALES: The swinging ring test with both boys said boy, this one it says GIRL

8.  WIVES TALES:  With the boys I had horrible blemishes, same goes for this baby

9:  WIVES TALES: Hormones...With the boys I was pretty even tempered, if I cried hormonally it was probably over food ;)   This baby, it takes NOTHING to make me cry

10. WIVES TALES: Last but not least with the boys I had NO specific craving that when I ate it it was like YES that was what I wanted.  This baby holy strong cravings for very specific things that hit the spot!! 

Baby size of:  Cucumber

Favorite moment this week-  I felt the baby move ... three nights in a row!

Miss Anything:  Clear skin ;)

Movement:  Yes, I wasn't sure at first but 3 diff times in one night in the same place then it was 3 nights in a row, same place, between 9-10pm!! 

Food cravings-  Cucumbers again!!

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Braxton threw up this week and that was absolutely horrible to have to deal with

Have you started to show yet-  YES!!

Gender-  See above to tell me what you think!!

Belly Button in or out-  In

Other Notes:  I feel great this week

Exercise:  6 Days this week!!! yay

Sleep:  Been good, been tired but sleeping well

Looking forward to:  Ultrasound day!!!!!!