Thursday, February 26, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker Week 17 || Fit Pregnancy

Week 17 

I am of course behind again but in my defense we have a full house and finding time to sit down and catch up has been hard!  Week 18 is already in the works, I just need the picture! 

How far along –  17 Weeks

Baby size of:  Pomegranate

Favorite moment this week-  I felt the baby move more and more (only from the inside)

Miss Anything:  Energy but its still much better than it has been.

Movement:  Internally ... yes!

Food cravings-  Pizza has sounded good to me just about everyday, I only ate it once ;)

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Nothing in particular but I have been pretty sick to my stomach randomly

Have you started to show yet-  I am definitely showing

Gender-  Find out in 3 days!

Belly Button in or out-  In

Other Notes: Nothing new to note except I am behind as usual ;)

Exercise:  5 days this week ... YAY

Sleep:  Feeling extra tired but sleeping well

Looking forward to:  Gender Reveal

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