Sunday, March 22, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker Week 21 || Fit Pregnancy

March 20th, 2015
Week 21 

Life has been a whirlwind yet again, I know I missed week 20, how do I miss my half way point!?!?  We had another round of visitors and we took of to SanDiego for the last big hoora for Spring Break.  Needless to say time got away from me.  I am actually almost done with week 21 too, whoops!

How far along –  21 Weeks

Baby size of:   Carrot

Favorite moment this week-  Braxton feeling his first official kick from his sister 

Miss Anything:  Apparently a comfortable sleeping positiong =/ 

Movement:  Lots and lots and lots ... so fun!!!  

Food cravings-  Nothing that has been overwhelming but I am loving the sound of Jimmy Johns ;)  Especially after 6 hr drive in the car only to realize there is NO Jimmy Johns in SanDiego...REALLY!?!? 

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Long car rides ;) Strong perfume

Have you started to show yet-  Bump is definitely showing. 

Gender-  Girl 

Belly Button in or out-  In

Other Notes:   Halfway glucose test is happening sometime soon (yuck)

Exercise:  A lot of walking in San Diego, resumed my regular workouts the last 3 days!  Countdown to Cancun is ON.

Sleep:  Ugh, I keep waking up very uncomfortable on my back.  

Looking forward to:   They said coming up either my next appt or the next I would get another ultrasound bc at the gender one they couldn't get a good view of all 4 chambers of the heart, I am ready to see my baby again!!! 

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