Thursday, February 26, 2015

Baby Bump Week 18 || Fit Pregnancy

Feb. 23rd, 2015 
Week 18 

What an exciting and overwhelming week, all in good ways.  My parents came in to town and my in laws are here too, then our closest friends flew in to house hunt for their upcoming move, we had our big ultrasound appt. AND my baby turned 6 today!!   I really feel so blessed that everyone was here to experience this week with us and share in our joy. 

I know most have seen our big Gender Reveal but I will share the picture here too bc well I am pretty excited!!  I have been a boy Mom for 6 years and didn't think we would have more babies and especially didn't think we would have a GIRL!!!!  We prayed over this baby, this pregnancy, and stuck with Psalms 37:4 <3  God certainly blessed us!! 

How far along – 18 Weeks

Baby size of:  Sweet Potato

Favorite moment this week-  Where do I start!?  The ultrasound revealed we were having a girl, I felt the baby kick on the outside of my stomach, and my baby turned 6 (not so sure about this whole him growing up thing) ;)

Miss Anything:  I don't think so

Movement:  I have felt more and more movement but finally on the outside of my stomach!!

Food cravings-  Soup and Salad has sounded so good to me!!

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Still nothing in particular, just random

Have you started to show yet-  Yes!

Gender-  GIRL!!!!!!!!

Belly Button in or out- In

Other Notes:  Aside from my excitement ;)

Exercise:  Very hit or miss due to such a busy week but still been so active

Sleep:  Out like a light when I hit the bed which is not normal for me

Looking forward to:  Choosing a baby name and shopping!!

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