Sunday, March 8, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker Week 19 || Fit Pregnancy

March 1, 2015 
Week 19

This week has flown by per usual ;)  All our family and friends have left (for 5 more das anyways) so we have tried catching up on the house/yard stuff and relaxing!!  I can NOT believe I am almost half way there.  So surreal.  

Everyone keeps asking us if we have picked a name and until today it had been discussed for all of MAYBE two minutes.  Today on the way to church we discussed potentials and suprisingly we both agree on a couple but have yet to set one in stone.  Although I think there is a top contender ;) 

We had an amazing service today at church that was about our faith being absolute and our prayers.  John and I both prayed Psalms 37:4 from the moment we started trying for baby #3, so while I was shocked when the Ultrasound tech said girl in my heart I had such peace bc it had been in my prayers for 9 months or more!!  Today was just a reminder of all the little things we think to be insignificant God knows the desire of our hearts!! 

How far along – 19 Weeks

Baby size of: Zucchini 

Favorite moment this week- Finally having the chance to discuss names <3

Miss Anything: Sleeping on my belly without waking up super uncomfy

Movement:  More and More as each day passes

Food cravings-  Everytime I see or hear pizza I think how ridiculously good it sounds but have yet to give in since I feel like we ate it a fair amount of times with guests here.  Aside from that MUSHROOMS!!!!  I saw a pinterest recipe and had to have them and they were EXACTLY what I wanted!!

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Still just random bursts of sickness and someones strong perfume last week at church made me have to walk out but that isn't abnormal for me ;)

Have you started to show yet-  Yes, however when I am laying back in a chair it just looks like a blob, HA.  I am going to Cancun soon so I am hoping my "baby belly" forms more so before then bc I plan to layout and I have to put on a bikini ... eeeeekkk

Gender- GIRL!!!!!  Still feels so crazy to say it out loud!!

Belly Button in or out-  In

Other Notes:  John felt the baby move the other night for the first time!!!  This go around I am gaining and filling out all over, where with the boys I was all belly.

Exercise:  Finally back at it after the last week of guests.  Pump, 21 Day Fix, and various HIIT (modified)

Sleep:  I have been very tired recently and looking forward to no actual alarm for spring break, although the boys now wake up by 7-730 on their own.

Looking forward to:  HHmmm....deciding on a name, registering for my baby shower, and continuing to get vacation ready!  Momma is ready for a baby moon!!

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