Sunday, April 12, 2015

Baby Bump Tracker Week 24 || Fit Pregnancy

Week 24
April 6th, 2014

Vacation prep has kept me so busy.  Along with sick household.  My last two weeks have been full of random and chaotic days.  I am so ready for vaca but at the same time so not ready ;)  Why oh why do I procrastinate so much!?   We are about to head to Cancun, my 2nd all expense paid trip I have earned from BB.  Last year it fell on my birthday and this year it is great timing for a baby moon.  When we return it will be crunch baby time, Iowa time, and BAM baby time!!!!  Eeeekk seriously where has the time gone?  I have been pretty emotional this week thinking how fast this time has passed and how little I have done or ready.  So crazy.  Anyone want to come be my fairy god mother and bippity boppity boo ... idk, clothes, crib, car seat, stroller, diapers, and everything else I don't have!?!?  Anyone?? I will share baby snuggles upon her arrival!! 
So feel free to whip me in shape with gentle reminders that I need to NOT procrastinate any longer.
How far along –  24 weeks

Baby size of:  Eggplant

Favorite moment this week-  Vacation planning/packing

Miss Anything:  Uninterrupted sleep without cramps or needing to go to the bathroom ;)

Movement:  Lots, I think she is preparing herself for the chaos she hears on a daily basis bc her movement is WILD. 

Food cravings-  Watermelon!!!  Ok, Ok and cool whip ;) 

Anything making you queasy or sick-  Just perfumes 

Have you started to show yet-  yep, definitely rocking the baby bump

Gender-  Girl

Belly Button in or out-  Out

Other Notes:  Had my first experience with vericose veins...unfortunately dr. says they are here to stick around until baby comes =/  Not only uncomfortable but they look weird too.  

Exercise:  Has been very random this week but I have kept active lots of squats, lunges, walking, upper body...random but done!! 

Sleep:  Much needed but lots of interruptions

Looking forward to:  Vericose veins going away, VACATION, and ultrasound when we get home!!